
Thursday, 8 July 2010


a few snaps of illustration at the camberwell summer show, courtesy of my dad.

did my bit for pat's YCN mural. coming up with a composition on the spot is scary! all photos from YCN'S FLICKR.

also did a couple of illustrations for AMELIA'S. MORE SOON!!

Thursday, 1 July 2010


i did THE SWIM, and defo didn't wear a wetsuit because i'm a man, and it was fun. the weather in bournemouth was a dream, even though me and my pal amy's fetching british heart foundation swimming caps resulted in tan/burn lines that resembled different flavours of supermarket teddybear face processed meat. thanks donors!

YCN are doing an awesome 'world cup moments' mural at the moment (above photos from their FLICKR: pat bradbury, dan woodger, paul layzell, joe baglow.) love the way it's looking and am excited to say i'll be watching probably my first entire football match since i was a pre-teen - germany vs argentina on saturday - then contributing.

finally, a couple of nice mentions: katie asked me some questions for NOTHING BAD, and CONCRETE HERMIT have done a roundup of the camberwell degree show. don't know how i managed to miss karin soderquist's work but i'm gonna investigate it asap. incidentally i'm certain anyone reading this is as sick of those ballard collages as i am but DON'T WORRY, i'll be updating with loads of new stuff soon. NOT LONG NOW TIL SAVE OUR SOULS!!!!!!!!